Sunday 3 November 2019

The Trojan War

            The Trojan War is one the most iconic battles in Homer's Iliad. Speaking of war, wars have been raged many times in the world for many different reasons like territory, treasures or hatred. when a war ends it ends with either the surrendering of one faction or the total domination of the other. When you first thought about what can you learn about war, you first think of bloodshed and cost of your actions, but there's more to that thought. As a soldier, you can write your journal so that it can be saved as a story for others to read. This lesson is about life, as you can reflect on the people who participated in the war and live enough to tell the tale about it. And there is so much to it as well like the experience, appreciation, luck, torture, punishments, survival of the fittest, etc. Now, going back to the Iliad.

              To this day, we don't know yet whether the Trojan War actually happened or not because of tiny fragments of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Some Greek literature and art depicts the event that showed thing that would possibly happened in real life, except for the supernatural parts. Some say that Homer's story is mostly historically true parts and fictional because some of them were inspired by the different sieges by the Myceneaen Greeks during the Bronze Age. In the end, I would say he used real events and possibly locations to portray his story better in a way it would be imaginable to remember.

                Many of the conflicts in the war often ended with one side victorious by death or surrender. AND ALL OF IT STARTED BECAUSE OF A SIMPLE QUARREL. 'Scuse me, the quarrel being who gets the golden apple between the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. Specifically, they're arguing on who gets the apple so Zeus summoned Paris, the prince of Troy, to decide who gets the apple. So he picked Aphrodite and she rewarded him with Helen which started the war. I mean, you can just solved it peacefully without Paris by giving it back to Eris and shoo her away or talked it out properly as Paris and not letting him choose as who gets the apple. In real life situations though, if this happens between your friends or family, just talk it out so that both sides would agree like spend some time together and accepting one's opinion.

               In the end, its not Paris' fault for getting Helen as a reward. War has nothing good to return to you. War was for nothing in the end. The gods and goddesses are mostly selfish for their own desires. And the last being always think through the arguments and achieve moral relations from both factions.


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